Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
Any intelligent person can see your very simple, pointing blame, evading answering questions.

It's clear.

You nitpicked my choice of terms, in house, i explained. It was our offer, no other broker. I gave you facts. You try to sidestep.

This is crazy.

You are a Joke.
I apologize if it seems as if I am nitpicking but this is crucial information you decided not to speak the truth on. My first reply to you was isn't there a possibility someone else backdoored you if you shopped it to another lender to raise the competitive offer? You proceeded to not speak the truth and lie just to prove your point by stating the other offer was in house. You falsely accused us without due diligence and when you were confronted with the fact that it was you who stated you had another offer which could mean anyone could've done this to you you decided to not speak the truth. And if you are going to cope and paste your same facts quote I would encourage you to consider the elephant in the room, client's shop all day and you are acting as if you are the only person in the world he worked with. Anyone could've done this , those are the facts. I ecnourage anyone who has a question to contact us , I am simply on this thread to tackle the false accusation our company has endured.