A buddy of mine has decided to get into the lead gen industry and came to me to help him sell his leads. Naturally I decided to test out his leads and out of the list of 100 I successfully funded 5 deals all 6 figure amounts ($150,000 was the lowest and $220,000 was the highest).

These are verified privately owned businesses grossing $1M+ annually. All leads include the option of picking a geographical area of the United States or Canada and what industry you would like (construction, manufacturing, transportation, Wholesale/Distributors, Retail).

These ARE NOT UCC"S! These are pulled directly from an online small business database with access to businesses in the US & Canada.

3,000 leads for $700
5,000 leads for $1,100
10,000 leads for $1,800
10,001+ leads for $0.015/per lead

If you have any interest you can email him at smallbizleads2018@gmail.com. His name is Mike.

Happy Funding!