350k revenue monthly, 100k daily ledger balance, the owner of the company is a figurehead who does nothing but collect profits. Her employees run the business; she personally was delinquent on most of the money she's taken out personally....oddly enough outside of CAN Capital, who funded her 100k at a 1.23 a couple years ago right before she started being a piece of **** with her own credit (she immediately started missing mortgage payments while never missing a payment to CAN. Weird, right?). Credit scores in the 500s.

Which one of you direct lending superstars want to give me 100k at a buy rate where I can make a healthy 10+ points before I submit this out on Monday? Outside of the primary merchant personally grading out to be subprime, I think this company is superb.

email me: jd@timessquareconsulting.com