Quote Originally Posted by Sachip24 View Post
what is your max loan amount? website if its right one im looking at states up to $100,000 only? is that correct?
Please note that we do have some outdated content on the website in places, we can now go up to $1mm on high quality regular deals (does not apply to consolidation program). We currently do not have a formal cap for the zero-net consolidation program but yes once we get above $100k we want to see overall higher 'cleanliness' in the file, higher credit, more revenue, older biz etc etc.

I'm going to post our 'smell test' for the zero-net consolidation program below to avoid confusion. Again this program is not easy to qualify for but if your merchant does check the boxes it is much much better than a perverse consolidation. You can get up to 13.20% and it can cut your merchant's payments significantly more than a perverse consolidation goes since we can go 8-11mo in this structure. If you've got a merchant that hits at least 5 of these you should at least check to try and get the full consolidation first.

a. In business at least 3 years

b. Owner FICO 599+

c. No more than 80% combined balances to monthly gross sales/net deposits

d. Debt burden test: On paper refi’ing the current balance at a 10mo 1.35 reduces the current daily payments by at least 50%

e. Max 4 negative days in last 60 days of bank

f. Has not taken a new advance within last 30 business days, i.e. 1.5 months.