Quote Originally Posted by Funder Mark View Post
I do not know how much par funding pays. What I do know is that in another post, an underwriter from Premier Capital funding wrote that their buyrates come out at 140 with 10 points up sell to a 150. We are much cheaper, more sellable, the lower rates make,it easier to save the clients as much as 30%, and have no Max size for our consolidations.
OK so Fund-kite pays up to 5 point upsell and Premier Capital Funding pays up to 10 point upsell. I understand now totally on the commission capacity of each funder mentioned for reverse consolidations.

It's funny because on Saturday Night one of my good friends mentioned to me that files that Fundkite declines for reverse consolidations, he sends to Premier Capital Funding and the file is approved.

Something to think about I guess, as it shows me just totally different underwriting guidelines and qualifications process. All in All just because you get a decline doesn't mean it truly is a decline?

Your thoughts 💭 DF Family