Having been with a few cash advance companies prior to Source 1, I've done a TON of initial work to help start up and maintain companies. It is now beginning to suck the life out of me. Creating Docs, Website Content, Lender Spex, and Programs and putting Lenders in categories. I feel like my list is repetitive and there are names I am not familiar with (You slick Reps! I don’t know you!)

So how about this… I see posts about who everyone puts in their tiers from A-D, who actually looks at unique underwriting guidelines? What’s everyone’s special niche? We want to expose and market your programs along with ours so when a merchant comes to us, we know exactly where to place. Is it that hard?

Is there a special program that you are launching that you would like to expand your market to in exchange for a different commission structure?

Yes, I am asking… because we are serious, and we are about to start a large campaign. We are wanting to go in the right direction with the right people. There is no harm in asking right?!?