Quote Originally Posted by ryan $ View Post
But then think about it.....

Broker can Submit it to 200 Lenders, after x Days that Submission sits it becomes able to be shopped out by that lender if no offer sold, that goes out to 20 more iso shops to get submitted 200 more times. And around and around we go.

Or a Lead Gen Company sells submission packages. I don't see the rub.

Car Insurance Quote Companies Sell Applications w/ SS#'s and DL #'s...

Same ****. Data.

Not to mention signing the App the merchant agrees to let Company and Partners (however its worded) to work the app. So what if a "Partner" provides a few bucks to the person who generated the application for said app. Why does money make it dirty? Apps can go anywhere as many times as they want but as soon as someone exchanges money THEN ITS WRONG?

Are you serious?

Apps are blasted out and shopped out a million times. I've bought submission packages before. I don't see the issue. Merchant stated they want funding, signed application which includes partners/affiliates/whatever else - grants permission.....
Ryan $,

What you are saying is very true.... Information is passed along or sold in a variety of different industries. With the application signed and stating that your are allowed to share this information with partners does not give anyone the legal right to sell the information and I am pretty sure there are laws to protect consumers and business owners regarding this. Now...distributing someone's signed application to 200 people, one would have to define "partner" if a regulator knocked on their door.
I'll stay in the camp of protecting the prospect's information so I don't have to explain somebody else's actions....