Hey DF,

As you know we are a bank owed factor and asset based lender. I know a lot of you encounter prospects that are factoring with other finance companies so I thought of a few questions you could ask.

-Who are you factoring with, what is the advance rate, and what are the fees? Since we are bank owned our fees are typically much less than other finance companies. We structure facilities to encourage collections and cash management. If the prospect get better at these...they save money.
-Does your finance company truly understand your industry? Are they restricting availability because they are inexperienced? We know what we know very well.
-Are they including inventory or equipment as an accommodation? Not many finance companies will do this.
-How do they interact with your customers? Are you handling collections? We take a softer approach than most. We do NOT get involved in collections unless the client asks for help.
-Do you have the ability to graduate to an ABL facility or traditional bank line with your current finance company? We offer a full suite of bank and non-bank asset based facilities.
-Are you out growing your current finance company? We can provide facilities well in excess of $25Mil.
-Are you using a lock-box and charged fees to move excess cash to your operating account? We can use our own lock-box and set up operating accounts with our bank to save transfer fees.

There is a better way... You can help you prospects get a better and more cost effective facility and earn residual commissions for the life of the client.


