Hi DF,

I hope everyone is enjoying the Holidays! Hopefully some are already starting to set up for 2018. With that in mind, I would like to remind everyone who we are and what we do.

We are Seacoast Business Funding, a division of Seacoast National Bank. We offer flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring and asset based lines of credit. We are unique in the market as we are bank owned, but can still work with challenged companies or companies in transition.

Our Idea Client:

-Based anywhere in the US selling products and/or services to commercial customers or government agencies.
-Industries we avoid: Construction Healthcare where the end payer is an insurance company, medicare, or medicaid.
Industries we really love: Staffing, Consumer Products, Niche' Manufacturers or Distributors.
-Revenues: $2Mil to well over $200Mil
-Facility Sizes: $250K to well over $25Mil

We move fast, but listen first! And....we pay referral fees!


Kevin Henry kevin.henry@seacoastbf.com