Quote Originally Posted by CashCat View Post

PS. Merchant is a Victim of fraud..(debanked) had an article on it that described exactly what happened to this merchant...

A Broker promised him if he "took the 5 advances" they had a company that would consolidate them into a "Monthly payment" over 5 years. Since July he has been on the Cash Advance Cycle of hell...borrowing to pay back...and he keeps digging himself in and is now negative...

What to do?
Why is this called fraud? I get that he was lied to but my rule is if they is no police report than there was no fraud.I have every week people claiming fraud for this for that but rarely can provide any proof that it was fraud.People use the fraud word to lightly,
Recent merchant I had claimed his sectary stole over 30k from him,yet he did not file a police report.
In your case if someone wrote a letter of intent or put in writing that they were giving him the 5 year and he needed to take these first,suing that person will be your merchant best bet.