your co workers or employees are an investment into your company. if you don't invest in them, you will never grow your company. the revolving door for straight commission only has been played out in multiple sales industries with usually the same result. the same can be said for hiring the wrong people on salary and burning payroll, but, if you take a historical analysis of which one leads to more productive employees and revenues, I would have to think an incentive to take care of your employees (salaries, draws, stock, bonus') will always outpace 100% commission. Its ok if the ISO wants to earn a lot more on straight commissions, but, the sub reps or employees may not be in your situation to take that on and ultimately will lead to poor performance, theft of deals, and, always looking for greener pastures. like anything in life, a healthy balance must be met. if you do not value those who bring you the business, they in turn will not value you or your co.