Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post

do these people do background checks? second employee caught in a felony?
As many who post here know, it is perfectly okay when Yellowstone steals deals from their partners, but apparently not when they get a taste of their own medicine from within...When you encourage a culture of stealing deals, it will become 2nd nature. There are 5-6 times (that I know of )this past year that YS stole deals from my firm (3 of them were directly from me). And when I say "STOLE" I do me it literally. This wasn't a case of them calling a Merchant after we failed to sell a deal or didn't send back contracts; these were all deals either sold then declined or, declined for some BS reason only to have someone from YS call the Merchant within 24 hours (this is what happened the most often). I have always tried to stay away from YS unless I had no other option, but I won't even use them as a last ditch effort/hail mary for a high risk deal anymore....scumbags.