Quote Originally Posted by MidnightAdvance View Post
I am not going to disclose on a public forum what exactly is going on, but Richard you can ask the ISO that you worked us on the deal, how many deals and renewals we've done. Always paid full commission.
You know what- bring that $50k contract back signed and I'll fund it today. Deal? (despite it being negative 10 days of the month)

Our partner on this is livid. He's embarrassed frankly as we give him our advance deals, and handle their larger ABL/Bank products. If we did not have the documentation (and the corroboration from another funder regarding the white labeling) I wouldn't be wasting work time writing this.

Once you take the sausage out of the casing- it's hard to put it back. We are both busy people. I know what happened. So do you. I suggest making sure it doesn't happen again.

You shouldn't bite the hand that feeds you... My ISO NEEDS this commission. It's the Holiday Season. Do the right thing.