Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
This is just dirty. Midnight has some explaining to do (publicly). If not, time to change LLCs and rebrand.

Additionally, beyond being dumb, how damn thirsty and broke do you have to be to backdoor an active member on this forum? And not some noob, either. Did you think you wouldn’t get blasted?

Lastly, should have seen it coming when Midnight literally encouraged a funder to backdoor an ISO on here a couple weeks ago.
First of all this Broker said he got a contract from Midnight, which was not true. It was a Yellowstone contract. Second the email thread is BS. Basically the ISO called us yesterday blasting us for backdooring, we said that there was no $75k approval from our end and that we will not fund the deal for anything more than $50k, through that particular ISO.
I can say one thing here: Iv'e done many deals with this ISO and paid them on every deal including renewals, the full 12 points. Many ISOs on this forum can attest to this.
Bottom line; if you want to find out the details of what really happened, feel free to call us: 718 448 3466