So, I don't do a million a month with Yellowstone or other sub-prime lenders, does that mean that a once in awhile file should be treated differently? It's a shame when I bust my hump to aquire 1 deal the RIGHT way and all of a sudden a merchants receiving emails from 4 different people with contracts. Money isn't money unless it's earned correctly. I don't care how much money you make, if your business model is built on the backs of others your just not right.

This was my deal, Richard is talking about. I needed more money and decided to go to a higher risk lender seeking that approval. Instead of getting an offer, other ISO's got it. After the merchant informed me he was getting emails with contracts from random ppl ( Palm Funding) I tried to move swiftly and get someone involved that could help me secure it. We got the ball rolling but they got greedy and also started emailing the merchant directly with offers and contracts, as a white lable source to yellowstone.

I'm not here to contest, argue or debate I have all the proof I need. This is a cautionary tale for all those that don't want to play games like children but do business like adults. Please beware.