I have an older client in need of a collateral funding. We are working with the very nice lady and her daughter. Husband handled affairs but passed last November. Internal family strife with one of the other children who tried to take the properties caused money and credit troubles which are now resolved.

Client has multiple (5) residential properties that are leased and there are no mortgages on any of the properties. Several have minor back taxes owed but that's it. One is a condo unit and the rest residential homes.

Client has crap credit but tons of equity, at least 1 million low end among the properties, and looking for 225k, less than 30% low end LTV, to resolve 165k situation with a 6th property, pay combined 50k ish back taxes among the (6) properties, and have a little cash for forward, repairs and such.

Please email me if you can help.

Andres Gonzalez
Operations Manager

(786) 738-6321 Fax
(786) 540-0288 Direct
(561) 809-3855 Cell