Change is good but you don't need to reinvent the wheel. I understand brokers are shopping contracts but your 1st rights of refusal have to be real good and you need to build a relationship before you make that decision. I think it should be up to the discretion of the lender/broker before making that decision. Any training a lender can offer at a fee or exaggerated UW guidelines are a plus and I think any broker should sign to promise to keep the integrity of the business. A disclosure should be made if you are working with a direct lender vs. a rep for a company (i.e. All of the overused titles)- a set % should be worked on depending on what the broker has to offer. You pay junk, you get junk. I don't believe it will ever get to the point where you would need a license to be a "Broker" but I do believe if you have a company with UW on hand and can make decisions to assist and syndicate, there should be. Just my opinions