Quote Originally Posted by Collection Specialist View Post
I don't know you at all but your posts have a constant thread of you being the best at anything and everything you've ever done. In some Kim Jong-Un(ian) way you have claimed to have done every activity in the financial space known to human kind and have been and remain at it's Zenith. You make more money than everyone here, have the best employees, train the best, hire the best, sell the best way, know everyone who means anything to any aspect of human existence, dated celebrities, friends with celebrities, are a celebrity....yet still have time to write absurd and poorly constructed diatribes where you do nothing but pontificate ad nausueam.

I assure you, there are smarter people than you who work in the financial space. There are better earners and better trainers. Better bosses, better shops, and certainly more humble. They know more and stay modest all while striving to get even better. On behalf of the Daily Funder I openly plead with you to stop posting nonsensical and self-indulgent speeches. You obviously see the lack of respect that they engender so there is zero benefit in continuing them and every benefit is ceasing to do so.
It is what drinking does to you .She has yet to back up any of her claims