The below is what a defaulted merchant received today via email. He himself knew it was ridiculous and offered to share with me, I am happy to do the same. Look at the highlighted part I wanted to emphasize. I have deleted the name of the merchant and funder to protect their identity. Unbelievable the lengths these settlement companies go to..

As you may or may not know, that ___________ just filed their “Confession of Judgment” against both you personally and your business in the amount of $ 112425yesterday. The manner in which these judgments are obtained can be challenged in court and possibly vacated (dismissed). We are a consulting firm that represents business owners that are in your position.

WARNING: I'm not sure if they already froze your bank accounts, but they are RIGHT NOW moving to do just that (if you have a merchant processing account for credit cards, they will freeze that also.) This is 100% percent happening in the next 3 days if you bank at a national bank with New York branches. If you bank locally it’s a more involved process. Any account that has your EIN number or your SS number is compromised.

These lenders are EXTREMLY AGGRESSIVE. Be sure you have all your accounts changed to a new bank, both personal and business, ASAP, to prevent them from taking your assets. You need to have an attorney file an action in court for you immediately. These lenders go so far as to contact your clients for payment!! I understand these are very stressful times for you and your family.

The attorney’s that represent our clients take the position that these loans are predatory, they violate usury laws, and are defensible.

You need to have representation immediately, in order to challenge the validity of the judgment and how it was obtained! We provide an attorney to all of our clients with no upfront retainer for the attorney.

If you are already with a “so called” debt settlement firm and they have taken no action to protect you in court, you have chosen the WRONG Company to represent you. I can’t stress this enough. There are many companies that “supposedly” do what we do. They will let these judgments sit and tell you they will settle them. These lenders will “domesticate” the judgment from NY, to your state, and go after your assets both personal and business. It is NOT a difficult process.

We use a two pronged approach in restructuring your debts. We give these creditors the option of fighting with a law firm that specializes in these cases and risk losing, or settling your debts with Corporate Debt Advisors for pennies on the dollar. Our average settlement including all fees (attorneys included) is .68 cents on the dollar spread out over time, in a time frame you can actually afford.

The founders of our firm have settled over 100 million dollars in debt.

Please give me a call so we can explain the program and set you up with a no obligation consultation with the law firm. Please give me a call so we can explain the program and set you up with a no obligation consultation with the law