American Microloan (AML) does not allow any fees charged to the merchant by brokers. Only additional cost is out-of-pocket expense reimbursement, similar to admin fees charged by other funding companies, which is about $270 - $330.

AML product is a true loan product with no pre-payment penalty unlike loan products offered by the competitors such as On Deck, New Logic, ARF, BFS, and etc.

Since AML's been around since 2001 as the lowest cost funding source, many companies tried to taint the company's image trying to prevent their merchants from leaving them. Don't believe what you hear from other funding companies or brokers. Check AML's web stie for the correct info or call 866-227-4456. AML will be glad to answer any funding related questions you may have.

AML's rate is the lowest in the industry and AML doesn't have a cap on funding amount.

If you have a high quality merchant who will not accept higher pricing, AML is the only option.