This is a commercial contractor with very good contracts.
Average $38K/mo
Has had a problem with Pearl in the past (Pearl made a fake agreement w/ him during time of medical issues, only to renege a few days later)
but was able to get funding nonetheless many times over.
Main problem is the negative days that go as high as 9/mo but then as low as just one/mo. Average is 5 monthly.

Merchant gets paid weekly, so is asking to get a weekly withdrawal because that only makes sense, since he wouldn't miss a single payment.
However, the industry is one of daily payments & weekly only as some type of reward. Thus, he knows he is being set up to fail from the very next day, but is okay with that.

Will sign COJ no problem.
Will sign 1.45 factor
Will sign short term 60 payments, etc.. but not 40 pmts.

Please PM if you actually read the post & can fund the deal with what has been written in mind.
If you can only do $5K offer just because you'll fund anything that walks, please DO NOT PM.