Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
Biz i am going to tell you a funny story.

This guy on my team once refused to listen to me, he wouldn't sell financial services for some reason ( I still don't know why) and he was hell-bent on selling soap or some crap for Scamway. Instead of coming to my team conventions the fool would go to the soap and hope for dopes meetings. ( i just chalked it off to the guy not liking me or something)

I kept telling him he was being taken for a ride; but he was going to prove me wrong...month after month showing back up to my office to show me all the awards he is getting...telling me he sold 50-100 items to 50-100 different people. The guys on my team saying see" you do not know everything maybe it works"

So I sit him down one day and say "I am curious to know how you sold all those going door to door" He won't tell me.

Months later I get a phone call from him whispering" I need your help come to my house and meet me in the garage" I told him he was scaring me and no I am not showing up...he starts begging saying he is going to harm himself etc So I grab 2 of my top salespeople( like bodyguards) and we head over there..I go into the garage and he is sobbing like a big baby.

I say "whats wrong," he said he didn't make the leaderboard" So I am saying ...you cant be on the leaderboard every month, next month is a new month we start off fresh, reinvent yourself blah blah.

Then he walks over to the other side of the garage and pulls off a tarp( blanket) and low and behold, whats under it... ALL THE PRODUCTS HE SUPPOSEDLY SOLD

I was in shock, the fool was saying he was selling **** to load it up in his garage to get a trophy...then had the nerve to ask me to help him sell it because I am good at sales, because his wife was going to kill him and he spent the vacation money.

I've been around a block or 3. I just learned to smile and clap my hands after that then duck when they implode or go bankrupt. People are going to do what they want to do no matter what you say.

offer stands
hahahahahaha. wow