
Instead of coming here with the "recruit to recruit " 7 wide 7 deep method that some of us pioneered in the 80's before the computer internet was "invented" ( perfected)

Learn how to fking do it right.

You start with ONE...yourself ...do something other than selling friggin air...get a product behind you like merchant cash advance or insurance or mortgages.( not coaching)
1x1 3x3 5 x5 10 x 10 ..30x 30 100x 100....when you get up to the 100x 100...then coach me ( actually 500x 500)

( some of us have taken steven covey, john maxwell tom Hopkins so many times its like books of braille on the brain.)

I am a walking talking financial services bot who has been brainwashed for over 30 years.

Go read the cash flow quadrant

You are not recruiting to recruit here...go to the moron post. People here make actual money thru selling High-cost cash advances for big commission.

I was just going to take mercy on you and call you but your
800 number is disconnected..pay the bill