Quote Originally Posted by JayBallentine View Post
That's a dangerous line of thought. Folks were literally outraged that because of this thing called the Automobile, their good old roads and horses had to be disrupted. Telephone companies were ambivalent when cell phones came around; "they're no threat." Where is Bell Atlantic / South? Jerry Yang, former founder and CEO of Yahoo! looked Larry Page and Sergiy Brin dead in the eye and told them their vision for search was impossilbe to pull off. Now Google is a verb; "Google it." Reed Hastings CEO of Netflix was told that there was no way people would rent movies by mail (this was when Blockbuster was huge). Democrats clung to Hillary Clinton before Obama because they felt it was impossible for a black man to be elected President.

The annals of history are littered with the carcasses of those who have chosen to denounce big goals as being impossible, rather than to figure out how to make them possible. It's very easy, and comfortable for you to say; "impossible" because it gives you peace of mind. What's really hard to do is to figure out how to make it POSSIBLE. The laws, the algorithms, the data structures, PCI compliance, security, etc. Sun Tzu says; "know your enemy better than you know yourself." What do you know about all these formers securities traders, lawyers, bankers etc who are heading up all these crowd funding initiatives?

Software is eating the world, and it will eat this industry if guys don't start to innovate from within.
THAT is a potent post my friends...