Quote Originally Posted by Quickfunder View Post
Can you elaborate? Merchants hardly ever disclose to me their intentions for the money. For all I know, they want to buy their daughter a car or get a new boat. Every time I ask, I get a vague "Um, some equipment. I guess..."

If I HAD the opportunity to actually discuss margins on the money, I'm confident I could sell higher factors also. But as to how all you veterans out there even get into that, I don't know. My clients seem to just want an approval and the money and not discuss with me the need. They get 1,000 phone calls a day.

If they do want to talk ... I take it as a bad sign they have bad criteria. "Well.. You see, I got into this misunderstanding with one of my vendors. And I didn't know I was late on my taxes." Etc, etc.
Ask them again. I don't know if I'd call myself a veteran after 9 months, but I have plenty of experience in B2B Sales and know that prequalification is key. I have seen too many people just talk at Merchants and not listen to them enough OR just act grateful to get a submission.

If they are hesitant to speak at first is because they get called all the time and are guarded, not wanting to talk to Salespeople. Once you get their application requalify them. If they are vague, tell them "Some equipment.....I guess won't fly with your bank, can you please be more specific?" I've found if you just shut up for a minute people are happy to open up to you and give you all the info you need to get the job done.