I talked him into it after 10 weeks. So he ain't begging. What's it worth to him?- a lot less than to most other guys. If it has less value to this guy then the product needs to be priced accordingly.

Quote Originally Posted by OldFundingHound View Post
It's a 1.52 factor no matter how you slice it, even if he's paying off an existing balance. but 1.38 is about average.
It's a good deal if the merchant needs the cash and you can put that cash in their hand.
So what's the problem?
He's not bank quality with a 610 score.
Selling isn't telling. Price is what you pay...VALUE is what you GET. So $20K in his hand and assuming he needs it for a damn good reason...that's the value. I'd quit wrestling over it, fund it, rinse and repeat. That's the business.