Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
I will try to make money one day.Thanks for the tips on the taco stands( had no idea about the crops )...ill find a new industry.

I am glad that this person Liza ritzik had the foresight to start a business to capitalize on people who need help with the forms.

My website sucks but I think hers is worse. next round of paperwork and fees, tell her to update it a bit so it looks more

"lawyerly" or more "registered agent" feel "surety bond"like.

I wish you well in your future endeavors

**proved right already

i dont think she is claiming to be a lawyer- are you saying this with sarcasm? why shouldnt she capitalize on the market if the market exists? seems like a pretty fundamentally basic business principle to me
id rather pay someone who has been through the process and have peace of mind than do it myself and worry that i f*ed it up- maybe you have the time to study and research how to do it yourself and fill out forms all day but i'd rather sell another deal-

since your website sucks, did you also do your website yourself? we hired someone that had the foresight to create websites for people who dont know how- its kind of how the world works