iso-alleged-to-have-forged-a-confession-of-judgment - Page 3
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  1. #51
    Once we're on the subject this is an interesting read.

  2. #52
    How did this go from fraud to hating on people for working from the comfort of their homes we have some serious wash women on this forum

  3. #53
    Senior Member Reputation points: 52185 ADiamond's Avatar
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    New York City

    Quote Originally Posted by ridextreme View Post
    well, first of all Fundkite didn't write the article. Also, why wouldn't they wanna throw the book at the ISO and sue them for millions to show other shady ISO's that this is what happens when you forge docs and commit fraud against your funding sources?
    i'm all for go after shady ISO's looking to screw over whoever they can to make a dollar. BUT I'm thinking... shouldn't the merchant be suing the ISO for forging their signature as well?

    at this point i feel like the merchant is on fundkite's side testifying on their behalf
    Anthony Diamond

  4. #54
    Its very hard for me to explain in detail. And I really do not get anything for it but dumb comments from the new jts on the site.

    You all wanted regulation so bad. You were all going to get hit with Mandatory mins and balance sheets in order to be an Iso.

    Like a house of cards everything would have imploded...worse than it did. ( no more home-based non supervised by law)

    But you didn't see it then. And most do not see the clear-cut answers. People wind up paying with high default ratios so have at it

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by ADiamond View Post
    i'm all for go after shady ISO's looking to screw over whoever they can to make a dollar. BUT I'm thinking... shouldn't the merchant be suing the ISO for forging their signature as well?

    at this point i feel like the merchant is on fundkite's side testifying on their behalf
    Merchant always turn on the broker( even when the broker is right at times) ...they do not want to pay back the money

    they will turn on the Funder as well in most circumstances thats why Iso/funder have to be a team , working together

    im off...
    Last edited by Karen37a; 11-08-2017 at 01:47 PM.

  6. #56
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockingfunder View Post
    Once we're on the subject this is an interesting read.
    Very interesting.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
    Very interesting.

    These articles are based on w/2 workers not 1099

    Not that hard to get w/2 to do what you say. 1099 who are independent and you cant control their methods or time...have to be led or "coached" and sometimes they only listen AFTER they make mistakes ( if they are still alive and not bankrupt)

    Isos Owners are 1099 ( just consider them to be brokers) difference between some of the Iso Ceos /owners and some of the brokers in my organization except my brokers out produce them.

  8. #58
    Senior Member Reputation points: 51665
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    I once had a merchant edit the COJ I sent him. The purchased amount was $146,000 with a daily payment of $1,042. The COJ he sent back had a purchased amount of $103,020 with a daily payment of $606 (mind you, it got signed & notarized)
    I was floored! If you're gonna alter a legal document, why would you still confess to owe a company $103k?! Anyway, merchant still called me afterwards and asked if we could still do the deal at the lowered purchased amount

  9. #59
    That and they are not in the sales industry which isnt for the faint of heart.....( let alone Finance or MCA)

    2nd training

    Overcoming the Fear of 7pm
    Fear of Failure ...following week

    Fear of Sucess ...following week

    Mastering sales and mental toughness advance course ..

    learning not to smack your trainer or Funder( or do something shady).When you think you are the man in the basement with the plan.

    Advancd backdooring counter move sales with a half twist class...for those still alive wanting to keep the book they earned ethically.
    Last edited by Karen37a; 11-08-2017 at 02:08 PM.

  10. #60
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
    These articles are based on w/2 workers not 1099

    Not that hard to get w/2 to do what you say. 1099 who are independent and you cant control their methods or time...
    It's really simple: if they want to eat they work. I don't see how an office environment leads to more productivity. To me, it seems hard to bring in and retain the best talent without providing the option to telecommute. The technology is there.

  11. #61
    West ...not THEM

    The head or owner of the Direct Funder/ super iso/ Iso...should have a physical location...not the individual brokers inside of it

    If the head of the Iso...head of the merry misfit society doesn't have a physical space office iso, they might be a misfit themselves and not know it or they do and they are faking the front.

    The big Funders see US as the merry misfit 1099 society who only eats what they kill

    WE are the misfits UNLESS we legitimatize ourselves ( very few of us will) and I am tired of 2 sales a month guys giving me advice when I had 300 merry misfits in my old organization and 50-80 now trying to reach for 100

  12. #62
    This whole post was because a rookie or newbie or illiquid brokers shouldn't be allowed to LLC up and create a basement iso

    They should be forced to partner with super isos with an office or brokers broker for compliance reasons

    ( people couldn't just walk on wall st and say "I want to own a stock brokerage firm" earned your way up the ladder. Same with real estate, mortgages....this is because you need a license and we do not. doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same management and leadership ability)

    I do not care what anyone does...take their deals and take the consequences that come with bait and switch, fake cojs, hiding material facts in underwriting etc etc etc

    Someone one who plans on staying in financial services for life would not sign a coj for a deal worth 20k ..or any dollar amount for that matter...never say never though

    Just another layer of safety to me...that's my opinion.
    Last edited by Karen37a; 11-08-2017 at 03:17 PM.

  13. #63
    And in spite of all this crap....this is a great business because we have the ability to close deals $$

    I closed ( personal not team) 2 A paper on Monday one for 45k the other 60k...c paper 120k..2 d paper should close by 55k( its going to get dropped to 45 k maybe and the funder watching this is going to kill me, new contract maybe) the other 35k..maybe one more

    . so when around 30k hits my bank account. Then you sit there and think. I made 30k in 1 week and some of these people are crying that they cant do it in a year.

    We are lucky to be in an industry that can offer the opportunity to make so much money...quicky too.

    Stop messing around with the Funders who are getting the deals done.

    ( and I know there are others that are kiling those numbers)
    Last edited by Karen37a; 11-08-2017 at 08:36 PM.

  14. #64
    Senior Member Reputation points: 11170
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    I am sorry but I had to chime in here, to what you said to Ryan.

    I work from home, and I pull in a hefty commission each month. I haven't gotten an office because I have no need for the overhead. Plus my wife likes that I'm home.

    I get to work half naked all day, scratch my gonads, and do what I want, while closing deals and making good $.

    I know another broker who works from home, and makes a good living too (40k-60k/month). He is a good honest guy too (only broker i trust).

    Don't hate. We all do certain things for certain reasons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post

    I am not going to debate you. Some of us paired up in the 90's and shared a secretary paying her $100 a week each( 4 of us) and sharing rent, running away from Boiler rooms they made movies about and everyone watches.( temporarily in west Hempstead not garden city.)..I was not in certain areas of IL either or other states( temporarily as a test)...that's why I know the west hemp to garden city reference in certain( many) states.

    (Which is why when someone says West H vs GC in another state I call them out when they are bragging....and said "if you had money you would be in gc or wall st vs the bronx/west hemp etc")

    Some brokers might start off in the house. BUT do not bs the bssing community. 10 points on a deal and 5 deals( 1 month) and you should be up and out to a small office at a minimum...1 month? 3 months?

    Some people may want to just do a deal or 3 here or there and look out of their window of their house on the water, but make no mistake

    All this bull virtual office crap has not gone unnoticed by anyone who can close deals.

    I started with refurbished computers and slightly used desks on a few occasions ( only because I knew the brokers would not touch down and use the desks unless I fed them a free cheese sandwich or fed them leads )
    I just went along with all this bull sh*t trying to be nice while pikers cursed me out playing big shot.

    ( no one is permanently in a basement popping shiate)

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by johndough17 View Post
    I am sorry but I had to chime in here, to what you said to Ryan.

    I work from home, and I pull in a hefty commission each month. I haven't gotten an office because I have no need for the overhead. Plus my wife likes that I'm home.

    I get to work half naked all day, scratch my gonads, and do what I want, while closing deals and making good $.

    I know another broker who works from home, and makes a good living too (40k-60k/month). He is a good honest guy too (only broker i trust).

    Don't hate. We all do certain things for certain reasons.

    for the 50th time. I do not care if people work at home naked or in their dirty socks and underwear.....your choice

    People "pretending" to be Funders with processing departments and money to place is what annoys me and the non-transparency of it all. ( and those con artists have a high propensity to default and do fake cojs etc etc)

    A few of us have stated we are brokers from day one, not funders. You never came on here trying to scam people under false pretenses and have offered get posts and comments

    Funny thing..the ones who said they were "brokers" outproduce some of the fake and real funders
    Last edited by Karen37a; 11-08-2017 at 10:53 PM.

  16. #66
    free rebuttal

    I teach brokers to say " And I am not a broker sitting in the basement of his grandma house in his dirty socks and underwear"

    I am going to have to add "naked scratching his gonads" to the training menu rebuttal boards


  17. #67
    Also, the illiquid brokers out of their grandma's basement using her soc security check to buy leads and almost pimping out grandma has to stop as well
    God save me



    Speed rebuttal

    I fast kick sales rebuttals faster than this video...I am on autopilot which is why some say "boiler room"

    I read over 100 sales books and studied them, mastered them and went to over 100 sales seminars to master the craft on top of college ( computer science machine language, binary code hex . assembler) etc etc etc and also studying algorithms, quantitive analysis, stocks, venture capital etc. ( It isn't blind luck) )

    Ex-employers called me 'Gordon Gekko" " wolf wall st etc ...
    supposed semi-friends are spitting it out "boiler room"

    The best part is I am HELPING people

    It's not so hard to not backdoor brokers /isos or not fck over the Funder thru massive stacking and forced defaults for a commission. There is some middle ground.

    It's like the show undercover boss...go wash the dishes with them, mop the floors with them, etc will see what they think, what they do and how to improve it .Stop making suggestions from the ivory tower, or your mothers or grandmas basement.

    last comment on this thread
    Last edited by Karen37a; 11-08-2017 at 11:46 PM.

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