I guess this is becoming my thing to call bull**** when I see it, but Ami you are so full of **** you cannot even acknowledge when people call you out for it. Comparing a $50,000 SBA loan to an MCA is so far from reality you either have your head so far up your ass you don't know up from down or you are just leveraging your articles to drive business and know it will get you clicks. I am not saying there is anything wrong with latter, but if that is the case, OWN IT. Don't come on this forum pretending like there is some over abundance of SBA banks with lending criteria that match up with MCA/ACH deals. I am willing to bet I have worked with far more people in the traditional lending space than you have in the alternative and can tell you the number of banks willing to even look at a $50,000 SBA loan are far smaller than the number of alternative lenders willing to offer a $100,000 MCA/ACH. All while that product requires no collateral, no personal guarantee (in most cases), with low docs and available in a couple of days. Again, I'm not hating on your strategy, but your trolling and its sad.