Nathan - your case of the client who can get the new furniture is a great example of someone with a legitimate need for "quick cash" and there is a strong business case that he will make the money back and then some. A year ago, we would have referred this client straight to an MCA or daily debit product. Today, we would encourage the client to go to a longer term alternative lender with no pre-payment penalties. If things work out as planned for the client, his finance costs will be a 1/3 to a 1/2 and his effort will be just about the same. He will also get the money quickly. Based on this, is there any reason in the world (other then lower commission) that anyone in good faith wouldn't recommend our path to the client.

That's not to say that if they aren't eligible for the longer term product, we wouldn't recommend an MCA or a daily debit as a Plan B in this situation. But our first choice would be the longer amm.