Quote Originally Posted by Lmonus View Post
In regards to all claims on this thread - THERE IS 0 Backdooring at CFG, there is 0 Submitted not funded sheets, there is 0 excel sheets with leads and 0 incoming leads.

We are a 100% ISO Driven shop. Seems like Ryan had a back experience with CFG and that is fine. But like others said, we dont want your F Paper, it makes you look like an F Paper shop. If your merchant was incarcerated for criminal distribution of Cocain, im killing the file myself. Bad credit is caught up front before a deal is priced and SOS is not even an issue so i have no clue what you are claiming here.

As for YSC, you are comparing apples to oranges. Do they give a higher approval? Maybe, but they will also charge you a heavy fee, put a COJ on almost all of your paper and the longetivity of the deal renewing are slim to non. Did i mention that your rep will add a PSF too?

As for commission from CFG? I Believe starting a broker off at 9-10 points is very fair considering the fact that our factors at 1.45 - 1.47. If you are a shop who has their head on straight, has the volume to show for it, and doesnt hop me the day after funding, commission will increase overtime. We dont advertise 15 point commissions anywhere, and half the time you sign up with a shop that does, rarely do you upsell the full amount.

Ryan - save the tears, this is business. Deals fund and some deals die. I dont know who your rep was over here, but it sure as hell wasnt me. Otherwise this issue would of been nipped in the butt LONG AGO.

Midnight - thank you for somewhat clearing up the difference between YSC and CFG. We have many similarities but even more differences which is why we normally go head to head with offers.

For those of you who have any more questions, or ignorant shame posts, feel free to call my line directly so we can resolve whatever issues you have.

You can all reach me on my cell 516-319-5826.

Thank you,

Lior Monus
CFG Merchant Solutions
Direct: 516-319-5826
Hold, Ill find the deal im talking about and get specific.