DailyFunder is considering a story surrounding account rep/sales rep success to help others in the industry that are still learning or perhaps struggling.

What we want: to speak with sales reps making at least six figures

How we want it: You can remain anonymous in the story or be specifically mentioned. Special credit will be given to anyone that does it publicly.

Some basic background info we may ask:

  • How long you've been in the industry for
  • What's the best way to earn a six figure income in your opinion? (upfront commissions, processing residuals, closing fees, working 7 days a week, etc...)
  • Your favorite types of leads (inbound web, UCCs, mail, referral, radio, etc.)
  • Tips for other sales reps


If interested, private message me here or email me at sean@dailyfunder.com. If it comes together, this story would likely appear in the September/October issue. (We just started working on that one now)