Quote Originally Posted by Lendvo View Post
Couple things to keep in mind on this case:

1) Tort laws rely on the UCC but are also very state by state. Each state court system will have different case law and potentially statutory issues dealing with proving a TI claim or a UCC claim. NY is virtually impossible to prove a TI claim in this space it seems for example.

2) Pearl will fight to the death here to defend its business model....expect this to take awhile in the court system...

3) The UCC claim. This could be the real real killer for stackers going forward. The court found here that Pearl and the Borrower likely colluded to interfere with Rapid's contract. It could very well shake out that senior UCC claimants will be able to collect from whatever the stackers collected once a merchant defaulted.

This is definitely the most interesting case to watch IMO.
Pearl will put up a big fight, for sure. ALL the stacking companies will be behind them as well.....but can they go up against GILBERT money? That man has some serious coin