Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
Regarding break out. First off I am big fan as they do give some solid approvals. The fact that are picky I am fine with as long as they do not start bothering me like some funders with closing percentage and the such.
Carl I did not experience any long wait time for answers on approvals or declines from you.The one big issue that holds back funding some deals is the amount of stips you require. When you give a 24 month monthly payments merchants will play ball ,however I had merchants that I offered your product or pay 6% more with BFS and barely any stips(core business under 100k) and the merchant went with the higher factor .
2 years ago it was a big complaint on BFS but they really lowered stips and something you should look into.
I can relate with BFS. Alec Glazier & Billy Rosenberg are my links at BFS. They see a lot of our paper and help us, stps are minimal and your at the funding gate waiting for a notification