Meant to have this posed as a hypothetical question, but given the doubts instead of offering uses, I'll add a bit of background before we make this available to select partners (yes, I mean what you read). It's an eye-opening experience when you really start exploring how advanced we (humankind) are already in "artificial intelligence" (or robotics or machine learning or whatever you want to call it); we are already at the point where machines NEED to be controlled by humans to ensure they don't learn too much. Unlike humans that have real "limitations", a computer's limitations are man-made and machines every day conduct many tasks well beyond a humans limitations -- and via ML and a constant feedback loop, they are constantly improving their accuracy and, if aren't restricted to solving for only a single solution, should also develop seemingly extraneous, but potentially significant, self-taught applications. And the simplest applications are ones like I originally posed, where machines are fed with enough enough data points, they can learn to process, AT A MINIMUM, anything if it is legible to human eye -- and forget about basic OCR -- this is about a machine extracting correlations that are cross referenced across millions of data points that are mostly naked to the human eye... and with a sufficient amount of data, it doesn't take long before the machines will be more accurate than a human eye and not subject to human errors, biases, or "judgement calls". (not talking, nor do I intend to, enter any sort of discussion about the "value" of a salesperson.

For those still in doubt, there are so many examples of machines that weren't "fully" or "properly" restricted by human imposed limitations, that eventually would surpass the best of the best of mankind. Take the chess master example (which was restricted and once enough games were played, it would take all that data to calculate the "best" move for any move made by the chess master) or Facebook who had to shut down "Alice & Bob" because, without human-enforced limits, they began to develop their own language that even Facebook couldn't understand. There are tons of examples like this.

In my original query to folks, no one answered how helpful it would be -- just stated that it isn't possible. Whether or not folks believe it, humor me and let's assume it does exist: how useful would it be? Would that lead to more shotgunning or more "first looks"?

But, a simple application like I posed above is just the tip of the iceberg. As an industry, we are behind. I know where we (Breakout) are going, but so many of the growing issues around fraud, identity, trades or double funding, and even potentially putting stacking on much shakier legal ground (and of course fixing Karen's complaint about backdooring) can be addressed through something similar to what the SBFA does today for it's members, but "built" on the right technology and with open participation to create a unmalleable, decentralized, digital ledger...... aka the "SMBL" BC).