Quote Originally Posted by Cfairbank View Post
Again, two very helpful (and in my mind, completely accurate complaints) that we have internalized and, have been working to develop, in addition to other applications, ways to address internally (and completely behind the scenes) but on a much more scalable level via the applicability of advanced forms of technology. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, there are exogenous factors that lead to extreme, nearly all or nothing, results, which is a lenders nightmare -- see IOUs latest filing), that we are trying to use statistical provabilities via advanced ML to better "capture" those "so called" exogenous factors, and make them more easily identifiable and quantifiable, through different forms of advanced technology; but until we do, we will have a hard time being that "simple, 12 1.30x lender." But "little victories" will make your request possible near term, and once we have rolled out the proper applications of our technology, OR offer "seamless" application of increased security, to eliminate best quantify the "all or nothings",my hope os we can take the bulk of your easy 1.3 over 12 months and make approval much simpler, with less stips, and much more attractive approvals than a 12 month 1.3 all-in, immediately, with less work on the end of the broker and the merchant.
Looks like IOU got hit by consolidators-that is exogenous but I saw that "non-portfolio" assets are equal to 20% of portfolio...c'mon man how much of that is comprised of "servicing" and deferred tax assets. Good grief Mr. Wonderful!