As one can imagine, working with several funders I see vast majority of COJ's being sent to one of 5 attorneys.

One in particular has made life for me and my clients very easy and beyond finding the accounts to restrain, actually obtains it and converts on accounts assigned at a staggering rate.

I am a firm believer of "paying it forward" so I invite anyone to reach out to me who needs a fantastic lawyer to just get it done. If you are looking for a collections law firm where merchants will be called and babysat this is not the guy for you. If you simply want to file the COJ and get the funds owed in your account, he is.

If you would like me to make an introduction then please message me your business name, your name, and your business email so I may send an introductory email. As this forum is rife with Gmail accounts I won't be making an introduction unless your company itself is verifiable with a URL etc etc. I'm not looking to vet anyone but do need to engage with some modicum of due diligence before I make an introduction.

Thanks and happy new year!