Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
It's good if the merchant is ok with the approval and paying 10% upfront for it regardless of how much he uses .but if not you just took a good credit merchant and with 9 credit pulls turned him into bad credit.that products has it's plus and minuses
She doesn't have a business. She's a startup.

She is an experienced real estate investor who is using these cards to help her with the extra expenses that come with owning rentals. Cash management. They won't report to her personal credit, either. Just the inquiries (which we plan on doing an inquiry removal process soon) stay there, and affect her credit for a bit. Like I said, only 20 points drop. Well worth it.

Who else would fund a startup with unsecured funds?

And now, that's not "UP-FRONT" fees. That's called a "success fee." Up-front would be paying $2500 on preapproval, and then whatever you get you get. That's the method of another competitor, Fund & Grow. But we don't work with them, since they don't work with brokers Guy by the name of Ari Page.