Great post Sean. Everything you say makes perfect sense.

With that said, without getting into a rant, the Govt. is sticking their nose in business more then ever. I do not think we will get regulated but I wouldn't be shocked if we did. Someone mentioned how the Merchants always confuse MCA with a loan and call the factor "Interest Rate." It doesn't help when you have these loser bloggers feeding into that and calculating APR, all while comparing us to the predatory Mortgage lenders that brought the economy down.

I try to explain the product to newer clients and tell them there is no interest rate(almost always the first question they ask). Of course, when it is a cold call people often lose half of their brain function and their guard is so up a common response is "Oh, so you're going to just give me money right?!". The part where I explain factor rates and revenue based financing get too overwhelming, so their hearing gets extra selective. A few months ago when I first started I'd just go on letting them say loan and interest rate to keep things simple. Now, more and more I stick to my guns and explain that MCA is a form of business financing, not a loan. I let them know there are also Loans out there, but different from the norm. I think it is very important that people do not get caught up in that misconception, and that includes the press, bloggers and people in the Financial Services industry. Again, I doubt any regulation happens, but being proactive by making everyone understand what we do and how it serves the greater good is important.