We're an A thru D paper Funder
Funding up to $1M
Quick Approvals
Same Day Funding!! No one funds faster than us, NO ONE!
Box 1
A paper up to 13 months 1st position, buy rates in High 1.2's
2nd positions up to 10 months
3rd positions up to 130 days
​No ​Car dealerships. All other industries ok!
Box 2
C-D paper low credit score 110 days or below 1st thru 5th position
These offers we're going to try and keep 70-100 days
We're a recourse lender so we'll look at ​most​ industries and if we feel we can collect, we’ll fund them!

General Guidelines:
1. Lock box/ CC split: NO
2. Financial Products (MCA, Term Loans, LOC): MCA, ACH,
3. Daily/Weekly/Monthly: Daily, Weekly
4. Buy rates: 1.20's-1.49's
5. Min - max funding amount: 10k-1 million
6. Commission: 8-12
7. Min monthly deposits/ avg daily balances: 15k/ 4x daily payment
8: Max NSFs: 12
9. Docs required for submission: 3 month bank , application
10. Bankruptcies: dismissed minimum 1 year, discharged fund day after
11. Min FICO: 525
12. Min time in business: 1 Year
13. Positions will fund:6th
14. Restricted Industry: Auto, cell phones, non for profits, NO home base construction or Trucking company. Construction & trucking(non home base) must be in business at least 3 years.
15: Restricted States: NONE
16. Canada/Puerto Rico: NO

Thank you,

These two boxes pretty much cover the industry. Just remember we have the two boxes and two sets of different underwriting classes so if it can be funded, it will with Advantage!

If you have any Questions, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Let's make some money TOGETHER!