Hi DF,

As you know we offer flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring and asset based lines of credit. We are unique in the market as we are bank owned which means our cost of capital is very competitive and we can offer services other finance companies cannot. Just because we are bank owed does not mean we can not finance challenged companies. Our group has been together for many years and we have helped companies with a variety of issues/problems: Massive customer concentration, upside down balance sheets, CH11, DIP financing, tax leans, and large debtors with demanding terms.

We typically avoid pure construction companies for a host of reasons. We love building product manufactures, wholesalers, and distributors. Our ideal client:

-Based anywhere in the US
-Revenues from $2Mil to well over 150Mil.
-Facility sizes from $250K to well over $15Mil
-Will use AR as main collateral and will consider inventory and M&E.

What really makes us different: We listen, we offer solutions not just money, and we move fast. Do we ask for a lot of information up front....sure and any serious finance company should. When we propose we intend to close.

561-623-1872-My direct line
www.seacoastbusinessfunding.com our new website....check it out! There is some useful information and success studies there.

www.seacoastbank.com is the bank's website.



PS: You don't make money collecting referral agreements, you don't make money collecting term sheets... You make money by helping customers find good financial solutions to their problems and closing good deals. Those customers will be with you for a long time.