i funded this merchant $70K 2 months ago and have no intention on stacking with my current funder.. that is not how i roll.
and the merchant is actually not wanting to stack . though she is looking for more funds asap.. to give anyone who is on here that does something other than MCA some idea of what she is looking for please see her email. let me know if you have ideas. as i would love to NOT have her stack

We have an order from XXXX for a blower installation on 4 trucks (see attached). We would have had the funds to purchase the parts (see attached Aging Report) if the trucks had arrived when expected, but the trucks arrived 3 weeks early due to a production change at the Freightliner plant.

I need to purchase the parts (we pay for these upfront) immediately and the parts costs is approximately $32K for the main component, that we need right away, then another $8K for various other parts (hoses, etc) that we will need to complete each truck. $40K total ($10K per truck). The installation time is minimal and the majority of the cost is in the parts.

The good part is that XXX pays us Net 10 once the installation is complete. So we get the money back pretty fast.

XX is one of our best customers, but the vendor system that they have rates us on the amount of time it takes for us to complete a job. If we take too long, we could be removed automatically from their preferred vendor list. It has taken us many years to get on the preferred vendor list and we do everything possible to stay on that list. If we take 3 weeks to get the parts and begin working on the trucks, then we will be out of compliance with XXXX.

1) Do you have a source for Purchase Order financing? Would that violate my agreement with XXXXX?

aleady spoke to my funder they are OK with purchase order financing. anyone have a connect for this ? any other ideas ?