Lead generation is all about building your customer base, which is absolutely vital if you want to grow – and as you know, if you’re not growing, you’re dying. Here's why: Customers are not inherently loyal – there are simply too many other options in today’s highly competitive market. So you have to work to keep your existing customers (renewals), while constantly striving to create new streams of customers. This allows your business to keep evolving, and, ideally, to keep expanding.

But how do you go about developing a lead generation strategy for your business?
And what type of lead generation is the best avenue to pursue?

SEO – Did you know that Google gets over 100 billion searches a month?
That’s why 61% of marketers say that improving SEO and growing their organic presences is a top priority.

Paid Advertising – Paid media allows you to create relevant and actionable ads
that target potential customers through digital marketing campaigns.

Social Media Marketing – Did you know that revenue increased for 24%
of businesses when they utilized social media for lead generation?

Email Marketing – Easy to customize and relatively inexpensive to implement,
email marketing is one of the best ways to directly connect with your customer.

Referral Programs – By leveraging the power of your current customer base,
you can not only increase your numbers of sales leads, but also improve the quality of
your sales leads. Think about it: every single customer you have has a built-in network
of trusted friends and colleagues.

The goal is to find the highest potential ROI, and to constantly be focused on innovating.
Because if you’re not growing, you’re dying. So get smart, get strategic, and start generating leads.

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