We've just expanded the *Reverse Consolidation Program* to go out as far as 130-135 Payments remaining on all existing Balances.

This is to say that, if you have a merchant with up to 6 Advances which burn-out in 6.4 months or less – FUNDKITE will recalculate their remaining balances (which are likely a blended 1.42%+ factor or thereabouts) and convert them into our 6 month 1.32% pricing.

Better still, we can Consolidate in 2nd position as well….meaning, we will leave in place any 1st position Advance going out further.

BEST PART IS: No need for guess work…, just reach out to me and I'll walk you through it!

Send to: Consolidations@fundkite.com | NO Cali / NO Mass / No Modifications - please.