Good Afternoon All! I'm glad to see everyone trying to get Monies, but more importantly, let's talk on reputable Company's we should be sending File's to..

And of course, speak on those that are not reputable. Case in Point, Consolidated Funding out of Miami, run by a character by the name of Kenneth Shaw.

Its been 1 Full Year, that this individual has not sent me my commission's on a deal I put through Him as an ISO. Fortunately, I had some honest client's, and they let me know when they Funded.

I have proof with an e-mail thread you won't believe, and a Letter from the ONE AND ONLY Kenneth Shaw stating that I do Business with Him and he look's forward to many more closing's with ME.

Of course he was looking forward to that, since he'd back door me, and keep the client's.

Don't fall for that slick talking. I hope He respond's so I can put up the thread with the blackmail insinuations. The floor is Your's Consolidated Funding.