I hope its not a big deal to ask these questions on this forum. My questions are:

How much money was pushed/sold in MCA and cash advance in 2016 as a whole?

Roughly how many ISO's and direct lenders are out there?

What is the main form of advertising for the industry to bring merchants in? Telemarketing, Tv, Internet?

What would an average ROI be for direct lenders in the industry if you averaged A paper to F paper

Who is the largest company as far as ROI? A paper lenders or D grade type lenders?

What is the total amount of yearly funding, roughly for business financing in america including conventional loans,sbla loans, credit lines,MCA, real estate backed loans and all commercial business financing?

How many employees/sales people to the largest direct lenders have roughly?

what is the attrition with cold calling and losing telemarketers?