Wow.. that is just insane!

I guess I am just lucky to have never had this happen to me.. I have been dealing with more clients that read every last word of the contract and need this that or the other changed because they are scared of going to jail because the contract says something about first position on all receivables without mentioning that factoring is ok.. most of my clients factor.. it is part of business these days.. so I have had to get more contracts amended in the last 6 months than the entire 14-15 years before.

I guess you need to be just as careful in this business as you do in the credit card processing industry.. and I have been left holding $20-30k debts more than a few times because a merchant would get a chargeback on a large purchase and not have the funds to cover the debt.

Part of the reason I moved over to this industry to begin with.. there is something nice about finishing a deal up and being able to get my commission and walk away.