does anybody cold call to generate deals?
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    What makes cold calling tricky in this business is that it's not just about convincing the merchant to apply for financing with you. Once you've convinced them to send in an application and their documentation, then you have to hope they get approved. While I think that the approval rate overall is on an upswing right now, it can definitely slow you down if you're working with the wrong funders.
    Well I think you're right about establishing the right relationship with the right funders for the sake of performing for your merchants. But I think the qualification process when cold calling your merchants and the approval process once the application is submitted are two very different issues. It's up to you when you get a lead, whether cold or warm to correctly qualify and ask them the right questions so that you can determine what suits them best. Once you receive their app with their statements you can size up their expectations with reality. No matter what, the human animal will always be funny when it comes to finances, so these conversations vary with different degrees of honesty between all parties. My job is to know my program and the systems within it so that I may anticipate situations and exercise my best judgement. When you try to do anything outside of that, then it becomes tricky because you second guess your own systems instead of accepting the nature that is the cash advance business. All deals don't close, every merchant doesn't get approved, sometimes the truth gets lost in that cycle. I'm a facilitator and a closer but I'm not going to lose my mind over other people's indecisiveness. I'm just going to do my job. A wise man once told me, the most powerful word in sales is "NEXT." You can't slow down if you choose to keep it moving.

    I beleive the more experience you get whether positive or negative it reaffirms my faith that more people need this product. There may just be a barrier in a level of understanding that may be lacking. The good thing is there are even more programs today to suit different situations that were around now compared to when I first started. Back in 07' if you didn't accept credit cards there was nothing more I could say to you. That's totally changed in just a few years. And I believe we can use the bad experiences to understand possible indicators of what we need to do in the future. There are setbacks, but this industry is an absolute Goldmine if you choose to see it that way. With a product so flexible and needed and a market that's so vast...nobody should be slowing down...there are hundreds of people out there this very second that absolutely need capital in the exact way we're able to provide it. There are literally thousands of business owners that are in pretty good shape at this very moment thinking to themselves "how can I get my hands on some capital, i need to take care of _____________ ASAP"

    They're out there...find them and fund them. Yes it's a bit of a dance and a hustle but there are people doing alot more for wayyyy less paper.
    Last edited by aych86; 12-20-2012 at 12:32 PM.

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