Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
Being that you have been out of commission for a little while and the industry has changed, you would probably be better off and more successful if you go work with/for an ISO for a little while to get yourself up to speed. Lots of changes since the days of Chanin. Otherwise, you'll be spending more time banging your head against a wall than actually closing deals.

Just my opinion

I'm signed up as an ISO with a few funders. I didn't leave the industry cold turkey. In the past 3 years I've help assist and personally close about 20 deals here and there. Most of them were referrals from people I knew personally and they had some knowledge about what I did. I've done a mix of reg MCA's a few ACH's and a handful of hybrid deals. Besides that I have friendships with many people still active in the biz that don't mind me picking their brain. This is also the reason I joined the forum, so I can get some collective wisdom and ask questions to get a different variety of perspectives and answers. I also had the opportunity to work with one of the top funders in the industry located downtown NYC where I live. Instead of rushing, I'd like to see how far I can get independently before I give myself and my nice little freedom back to the corporate world. There's nothing quite like the feeling of generating business from the work you put in from start to finish and getting paid well for it. It's just so satisfying. Not that i'm running from discipline....I just enjoy the commute from my bed to my shower to my laptop in the midst of a NYC winter...plus the dress code is pretty comfy.