Hey everyone:

We finished our funding round and are now lending our own funds. Before I give you the lowdown on our prices let me share what sets us apart from everyone else. We're boutique and creative. If the merchant has a good foundational business we're happy to extend lines of credit (true lines of credit not credit cards or MCAs) and term loans.

For example, we just took a defense contractor with $250K of MCAs, an existing tax lien and gave him a 2 year term loan with a monthly payment to pay off his MCAs. His savings are over $70,000 a month. We did this after understanding his business model, why he took out he loans in the first place and his commitment to growing his business.

Our primary form of collateral is invoices and AR. We're an ideal fit for staffing companies, government contractors, commercial construction with progressive billing, manufacturers, distributors or suppliers. Our invoice rates start as low as 1.59%.

If you have merchants who are overextended but have healthy ARs, please give me a shout. Startups are okay too.